Forum of Convergence ENISo- Entreprises 9th Edition

The IEEE ENISo Student Branch had the pleasure to participate in the FCEE’9 (Forum of Convergence ENISo- Entreprises 9th Edition)
We had the chance to meet new people and talk about the benefits of being an IEEE member and the activities of our Student Branch.
We thank the organizers for their efforts to make such a successful edition and for giving us the opportunity to share a lot about our IEEE.

Because we believe that our children are our future , IEEE IAS ENISO chapter in collaboration with IEEE WIE ENISo SB Affinity Group has organized on the 8th of December at the National School of Engineers of Sousse an INTRODUCTION TO INDUSTRIAL ROBOTICS Workshop.
It was such a wonderful journey passed with these innoncent kids aged between 9 and 18 years old. A special thanks goes to Club Robotique Menzel Temime for the electronic equipment .
We leave you with these beautiful moments to share <3
Training Session - ENISo WIE SAG

Women In Engineering ENISo Student Affinity Group had the pleasure to organize a SolidWorks basics training session for the scoot’s children in Sousse. Our first training session took place on the 6th of December , and it was extremly beneficial for the children to discover an other side of technology which helped them take a step forward into the world of engineering.
Business Development Bootcamp 2.0

Again with business development Workshops, the IEEE ENISo SB has organised a second business development bootcamp where the members had the chance to learn more about entrepreneurship and to develop their OWN project’s idea.
The bootcamp included workshops and training sessions respectively in design
thinking, project management tools, Business Model Canvas and SDGs and pitch techniques. This Second Session of the bootcamp was assured by Mr. Youssef Kaabi and was held on Sunday , 1st of December 2019 , Starting from 9h.
JavaScript Training Session - ENISo IAS SBC

Here are some moments to share with you about our first training session “JavaScript”, held on the 25th November. We exchanged and picked up a lot of new information
Special thanks go to our great trainer Mr. Chamsddine Bouzaine who helped and contributed in making our training session a fabulous success! ..this is only the beginning
Training Session - ENISo RAS SBC

On the 20th of November, the ENISo RAS SBC held its first workshop entitled “how to build your first robot” . We’re grateful for your interest and enthusiasm and we appreciate the great effort both Hamdi Haddad and Ahmed Tlili have made, to guide you and help you take your first steps in making an autonomous robot!
Business Development Bootcamp 1.0

Time to get ourselves ready for the TSYP’s and Contests’ projects !
The first step required is to understand “How a successful project is created?”
For this reason , the IEEE ENISo SB has organised a business development bootcamp
where the members had the chance to learn more about entrepreneurship and to
develop their OWN project’s idea.
The bootcamp included workshops and training sessions respectively in design
thinking, project management tools, Business Model Canvas and SDGs and pitch
The First Session of the bootcamp was assured by Mr. Mohamed Mansour and was
held on Sunday , 17th of November 2019 , Starting from 9h.
IAS ENISo SBC - Industrial Visit

We are delighted to share with you the photos of the first industrial visit of the year to ICAR.
It was a tremendous experience and we picked up a lot of new things
We want to thank all of ICAR’s staff and our members who showed a big motivation and interest during the visit.
Student 4 Change Workshops

In collaboration with the “Jeunes leaders Association”, the IEEE ENISo SB hosted two workshops about the process of ideation and which were animated by international experts.
These workshops aimed to train the students how to ideate and to give them more information about the “Student 4 Change” program, which is organised in collaboration between the “Jeunes Leaders Association” and the US Embassy in Tunisia, and during which , preselected students will go through accelerated training Sessions to enhance their entrepreneurial skills and develop their bussiness ideas.
Microcontroller Programming Training Session

The IEEE ENISo Student Branch, in collaboration with Aerotronix ENISo has held a microcontroller programming 2 training sessions delivered by the amazingly competitive team of MakerLab.
Each session is a 2 days of intensive training during which the participants were able to learn from both theoretical and practical aspects of creating an embedded system.
We are so proud of the future engineers who attended and willing to apply this knowledge to future projects, keep raising the bar high!
IEEEXtreme 13.0

The IEEE Xtreme 13.0 was a blast!
More than 70 students from ENISo gathered in one place to compete on solving problems using algorithms and programming languages.
We shared a lot of fun moments, laughter, hard work and determination to be on the top 10 board.
We thank our ambassadors who made this event real, who contributed together to make it as successful as it is! Congratulations to Atef Ghanmi , Ameni Ben Marzouk and Eya Mensi for your achievements!

“IEEE DAY’ :One of the most special Days
The IEEE ENISo SB was so pleased to have all of you among us in such day where we got to know the new IEEE Family Members.
A Big thanks to the “Wolf Band” who shared with us these great moments and made it wonderful with their amazing Music and unique Voices
IEEE ENISo Elective General Assembly

On the 19th of September, the IEEE ENISo SB held an elective General Assembly where members were present to attend the candidates presentations and vote whom they find capable of the position.
the candidates are :
– Mr. Raef Ben jeddou as a candidate for the ENISo IAS SBC Chairman position
– Mr. Ahmed Tlili as a candidate for the RAS IAS SBC Training Manager position
The closing of the election session where assured by our dear new member Mr.Khoubeyb Laayouni who talked about his experience as an IEEE member and as the 2019 Region 8 Outstanding Women in Engineering Student Volunteer .
ENISo Integration Week - September 2019

First day of the Integration Week : We began first by giving a presentation of our Club the amphitheater with the new students And later we made a stand in the school , where we get in touch with the students, showed them our brochures and talked about IEEE , our Student branch and our Activities The afternoon a workshop was held. It was about How to generate business ideas by analyzing Consumer data. It was a great opportunity for the new students that participated in to get to know the first steps to apply for competitions, and to have a great idea about the new challenges that they’ll have to face and the skills that are needed for a future engineer.
Novation Challenge

We would like to congratulate our partner Novation City for organizing a very successful 2019 edition of the Novation Business Accelerator- Novation Challenges Track.
It was a real honor to collaborate with you!
We would also like to thank our members who participated and all the participating teams for their hard work and dedication throughout this challenge!
And finally, congratulations to all the winning teams! Novation City is very thrilled to welcome you for an incubation of 12 months!

As a celebration of the 2nd anniversary of the creation of the Power and Energy Society , the PES ENISo Chapter organized “PES DAY 2019” where along with the IEEE members , we talked about the PES Creation History and many of the PES Activities that are held around the world. We had the chance also to play together , do several teambuilding activities and share many moments of fun .
What a memorable day spent with the wonderful IEEE ENISo SB Family
Women In Power

After the success of the two previous editions of the event “She leads” , the IEEE WIE ENISo Affinity Group and The IEEE PES ENISo Student Chapter chose to collaborate together in the celebration of the international Women’s day through the “Women in Power” event , under the theme of “Empowering skills For Career Growth”.
In this event, held on the we highlighted the important role that play women in both industry and energy fields, in order to enhance their efforts and encourage them to further research.
Many guests from various fields were invited to share with us their experiences and tell us about their success stories as well as interesting workshops that were held.
~ Ms. Khaoula Ben Aicha : Marketing and communication Consultant and professor at the Lorraine University
~ Mrs. Dalila Ammar : Civil Engineer , CEO and Founder of BCE and Expert in Energy Efficiency
~ Ms.Oumayma Gallas : English Master, Active in civil society , defender of disabeled people Rights
~ Ms. Fatma Mhiri : Representing Open Startup Tunisia
Workshops :
* 1st Workshop : Positive Change and Personal Development : with coach Argoubi Helmi , under Kaizen Academy
* 2nd Workshop : How to be an opener ?
First Steps to build your start up with Mr.Achref Kacem , Mr. Amine Rkhis , Mr. Khmaies Souki and Mr. Yassine Khlass , under Open Start up Tunisia
Artificial Vision Challenge 2.0

The Artificial Vision Challenge 2.0 is the second edition of a competition based on computer vision organized by IEEE ENISo Student Branch from February 13, 2019 to February 27, 2019 at the National School of Engineers of Sousse (ENISo).
During this challenge, teams composed of 3 to 4 engineering students or newly graduated engineers, are asked to design an embedded artificial vision system and present it in front of a jury.
All topics related to the field of artificial vision were accepted. The competition was open to all engineering schools and all participants were entitled to conferences and workshops aimed at preparing for the challenge.