On Monday, the 28th of December 2020, we held a workshop about one of the epic domains on the TI industry “DevOps” animated by Mr. Hatem BEN TAYEB and we began by an INTRODUCTION TO DEVOPS.
On December 30th, 2020 we continued our online devops workshop and this time it is about DEMONSTRATION OF DEVOPS.
The workshop was very interactive and consisted of different parts
Online Training

On Friday, the 25th of December 2020, we organized an online training “INTRODUCTION TO WEB DEVELOPMENT” moderated by Mr. Sayed Hamdi and directed by OPUS LAB in order to provide our members with the basics to start their first step towards a better understanding of the Internet and develop a new set of Internet skills.
Celebrating Our IEEE ENISo SB Anniversary

On Wednesday 16th December 2020, we celebrated the 5th anniversary of our student branch in an open air space “Les Jardins Fleuris”.
Despite the epidemic of the coronavirus, we thought it was important that we find a way to come together to show that the ties between us as an IEEE ENISo sb family are as strong as ever.
So while December 16th is a day to celebrate our beloved sb 5th anniversary, it is also an opportunity to reflect on those values and principles to which we aspire, as we strive together to make ours an ever more perfect union.
We had a memorable day full of fun, laughs, music, and some team building.

On the 19th of November, IEEE ENISo SB held its second General Assembly.
At the beginning we present the chapters and the affinity group teams for the mandate 2020-2021.
And then our guest Maher Bnouni shared with us his memories and best souvenirs with the IEEE ENISo, and how much he was grateful for what the student branch added to his personality.
Finally We can’t end the day without celebrating the occasion of winning the region8 student branch website contes
where we gave the EX Design Manager of IEEE ENISo sb for the mandate 2019-2020 Mariem Chaibi and Mohamed Belouaer the EX Design Manager of IEEE ENISo sb for the mandate 2018-2019, Who have contributed to this success a certificate of recognition for their efforts .
And for the first time the prize of the best volunteer of the year goes to Nadia Fekih the EX general secretary of IEEE ENISo sb for the mandate 2019-2020 for her wonderful work and sacrifice she made over the last year working with our beloved IEEE ENISo sb.

One of the most frequent concerns and complaints most of us have today is that we don’t have enough time to do what we want.
Time management is a way to find the time for all the things you want and need to do. It helps you decide which things are urgent and which can wait. Learning how to manage your time, activities, and commitments can be hard. But doing so can make your life easier, less stressful, and more meaningful.
On Wednesday November 18th, we held an online workshop “Stress and time management” led by Mr Mahdi Mkaouar director and engineer at PSI CONSULTING, university expert and coach in management and skills development

IEEE ENISo Student Branch held an online training session, an “introduction to Machine Learning”. It was the launch of a journey in one of the most interesting technological fields, and it wouldn’t have been as perfect as it was without the support of NeuroData’s team of experts to whom we want to express our gratitude.

the 31st of October 2020, the IEEE ENISo Student Branch celebrated the IEEE DAY 2k20 in the most special way possible.the day when the first time in history engineers worldwide and IEEE members gathered to share their technical ideas. It was about the union of the family, the gathering of its current members, and its alumni.Our program began with an intervention on the benefits of being an IEEE member and how to start your own career with IEEE and an OSTX Presentation.
We finished with some quizzes about IEEE and played some games online.
This event was an excellent opportunity to get to know our new members better and to further motivate them to work with us.

Friday, October 23th, we held our first general assembly.
We presented the EXcom team as well as the chapters and the affinity group teams along with presenting the SB’s activities and the upcoming events such as IEEEXTREME, IEEE DAY and the TUNISIA ENTREPRENEURSHIP SUMMIT.
It was an amazing feeling to be surrounded by such passionate and dedicated members.

Today we held an infosession animated by our xtreme ambassadors, where we gave a simple presentation about the IEEExtreme and explained to our new members the registration process and how it will be held online. the members showed great interest during the infosession .

ENISo( National Engineering School of Sousse) is distinguished by the variety of its associations and clubs and for us, the integration of the newcomers takes the form of “obligations”.Each year we organize an integration week but this year it was just a day because of the covid_19 pandemic. As IEEE ENISo SB we didn’t stop on just the integration online but also we took part as usual in the integration day to get more in touch with newcomers. we held a stand at the school where we talked more about IEEE, Student Branch, and our activities.
An online meeting with the IEEE INSAT SB EXcom

The IEEE ENISo SB and the IEEE INSAT SB are collaborating to hold a very promising edition of the IEEE R8 Entrepreneurship Initiative.
So, this meeting was held mainly to get to know more about the IEEE INSAT SB EXcom, discuss the latest news about the progress of the event’s preparation, and sign a partnership agreement in the coming days to ensure the smooth workflow of the event.
Second day of the online integration weekend

We held our second meeeting of the integration of the 2020 – 2021 year via google meet.We delivred a leadership development workshop and we had a teambuilding session. It was really an amazing and unique time with the new generation of our engineering school.
First day of the online integration weekend

We held our first meeting using Google meet to reach as many members as possible regarding both the current national and international health status due to the Corona pandemic. We started by introducing IEEE and its organizational units, our student branch, our activities, and our upcoming events to the freshmen who recently joined our school. Then each chapter and affinity group chair gave their own presentation.
The energy was so inspiring and the freshmen were really curious to know more about IEEE, the membership’s benefits, and the opportunities provided by the IEEE organization for students
TSYP ENISo Elective General Assembly

As a partner organizer of the TSYP’8, The IEEE ENISo Student Branch held on the 5th March an elective General Assembly to vote for the candidates who postulated as heads of the TSYP’8 Committee.
We want to say congratulations for those who had the majority of the votes and hard luck for the others.
Dear ENISo TSYP Committee, along with our ENIG partner , we believe that you will make this edition a huge success. Best of Luck!
IEEE Infosession

On the 2nd of March, the IEEE ENISo SB held an infosession animated by our dear member Mr. Khoubeyb Layouni, where we talked about the IEEE and the benefits offered to the IEEE Student Members as well as many others opportunities that we should not miss.
The infosession was closed by rewarding the members of the Month who worked hard during the last period and showed great devotion to our Student Branch.
We are so proud to have such motivated members! Keep going <3
And thanks Mr.Khoubeyb Layouni for the pieces of information you gave us
ENISo WIE SAG Love Booth

“The only thing we never get enough of is love; and the only thing we never give enough of is love.” – Henry Miller
We were so pleased to see you all today and we hope that y’all had the chance to express your feelings
Letters will be sent tomorrow to the people concerned
Don’t forget to love as much as you breath!
Coffee Talk - ENISo WIE SAG

Today would not have been as fun and exciting without you . Thank you so much for coming and adding a such wonderful energy to our event
A special thanks to our dear professors Mrs Saoussen BEN JABRA & Ms Aroua FATHALLAH
Training Session - ENISo PES SBC

PES ENISo SB chapter in collaboration with Aerotronix Club ,organized a LoRa training session.
The two-day training workshop was conducted by Makerlab,on 8 and 9th of February,2020 ,in Makerlab local.
The main objective behind this session is to get the attendees who are all engineering students ,discover the technology of LoRa ,to get the essential ins and outs and to understand how key procedures of this technology works from start to end and what’s in between.
The training program was conducted successfully and fruitfully .
Coffee Talk - ENISo Student Branch

It was a blast hanging around with you and spending such quality time together! You guys are amazing day after day, you prove that you are the most wonderful IEEE family
A memorable evening where we had the chance to get to know each other well, but most importantly share a lot of laughs together.
Keep shining members the road is still long and a lot of work is waiting us?? let’s keep it up you dears are the wonderful secret of this SB
– the IEEE ENISo SB Executive Committee –
General Assembly

On the 22nd of January, the IEEE ENISo SB has held a general assembly in order to discuss the second semester activities with our members :
- We highlighted the importance of keeping the IEEE account up to date and the benefits that they can take advantage of
- We talked about the projects planned by our Chapters
- We announced the event of the semester which is the third edition of the Artificial Vision Challenge: this event is the highlight of this semester , and will be held on the 1st of April , 2020 .
- The work has already began and the link of form to join the organisation team was posted in our group . Details are provided in the description of the form
TSYP'7 : Outstanding Victory General Assembly

And here was our Celebration for the TSYP’7 victory
Thanks dear members for sharing with us these moments. Congratulations to the TSYP’7 Hero members and our dear Ambassador for their hardwork to make this year’s participation unique. Thank you dear alumni members for honoring us with your presence and the positive vibes and the precious advice you gave us
Wishing all the best of luck to our dear Student Branch for the TSYP’8
– IEEE ENISo Student Branch –