IEEEE R8 Entrepreneurship initiative in collaboration with the INSAT SB

This year our Student Branch gained the honor of organizing the Tunisia entrepreneurship summit in collaboration with IEEE INSAT Student Branch, under the theme of “INDUSTRY, INNOVATION, AND INFRASTRUCTURE”.
Preparing for an online event with a quality like this was challenging, and wasn’t easy at all but we tried to give our best. After a lot of planning and hard work, we are pleased to say that the Tunisia entrepreneurship summit was a roaring success. We were overwhelmed by the number of applications we have received.
After organizing long-hour training, guiding, and training sessions, the second day of the event was dedicated to the competition which provided an opportunity for participants to take on real-world challenges and apply their skills to come up with creative approaches to different sets of problems.
During this competition, the teams presented their ideas in front of the jury and everyone.
the members of the jury were selected from among the most qualified experts.
Finally, endowed with great determination, great dexterity, and cleverness, 3 teams were selected.
the participants appreciated that the competition was well organized and thanked us for this opportunity.
TSYP'7 - 2019

First of all , we would like to say that the IEEE ENISo SB Family is honoured to have participated in the Tunisian Students and Young Professionals Congress.
And we want to address a great warm thanks to the IEEE ENIT SB and to all the organisation committee for their lovely hospitality as we want to congratulate them for the efforts they made to organise such a huge successful event. All of our participants enjoyed their stay there and praised the quality of the program ! We will obviously learn from your experience to make an upcoming successful edition as you guys did !
Secondly , we want to thank again the IEEE ENIT SB for the wonderful gift they gave us during the TSYP’7 Teambuilding where we received a huge beautiful box full of many encouraging Words and motivational Quotes as well as many cute traditional boxes filled with Chocolate <3 Your quotes will always be a reminder for us to keep up the great work and to make our best efforts to make an unforgettable edition of the TSYP ! Your creativity knows no bounds
With a lot of hard work , a lot of motivation from the members and a lot of dedication to do our best mixed with a lot of harmony with our beloved IEEE ENIG SB, WE , the IEEE ENISo_ENIG_SBs are delighted to announce that we are officially the organizers of the TSYP’8 !
Not only winners of the TSYP’7 but the IEEE ENISo SB was also ranked 3rd place in the Technical/Humanitarian Project and 2nd Place in the WIE STAR PROGRAM .
We would like to thank each and everyone who contributed to this success !
TSYP'6 - 2018

This was our participation in the TSYP’6 ! Amazing moments spent with the most adorable members! We would like to thank the IEEE INSAT SB for their efforts to make such a wonderful edition! And Congratulations to the IEEE ENIT SB for the big prize!
Keep it up !

IEEE WIE IEEE ENISo SAG’s members had the honor to participate in the IEEE WIE ILS Tunisia 2018, held on the 10 of August, which is the first largest gathering of IEEE WIE members in all Tunisia that will be a part of IEEE WIE’s portfolio of global initiatives. The summit gives a chance to IEEE WIE Student Affinity Groups, IEEE Student Members, Young Professionals and Women belonging to different fields of science and technology from all over Tunisia to gather at one place and learn new skills while polishing their expertise. They are provided with the platform to meet, socialize and share professional experiences with each other. With the theme “Lead beyond borders”, IEEE WIE ILS Tunisia aims to build communities and enable them to find their peers and build connections that result in mutual benefit for every attendee it is also designed to share the experiences of those men and women who made it to the top and bring the mentorship and guidance in the grasp of the young – the leaders of tomorrow.
TSYP'5 - 2017

And here are some moments from the TSYP’5 that we participated in. We are so proud of our IEEE IAS Chapter – ENISo Student Branch that won the award of the most active IAS Student Branch Chapter at the TSYP Congress 2017. #IAS
TSYP'4 - 2016

TSYP'3 - 2015

It was our honor participating in the TSYP-Tunisian Students and Young professionals congress and meeting up with other student branches.
We would like to thank IEEE INSAT Student Branch for the amazing job they did, organizing the event. Congrats for IEEE ULT Student Branch for winning the TSYP competition and organizing the event next year